Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 Most Stupid Questions People Usually Ask

10 most stupid questions people usually ask in obvious situations…. It’s really funny… Enjoy

1. At the movies: When you meet acquaintances/ friends.. .

Stupid Question:-
Hey, what are you doing here?

Don't u know, I sell tickets in black over here..

2. In the bus: A heavy lady wearing pointed high-heeled shoes steps on your feet…

Stupid Question:-
Sorry, did that hurt?

No, not at all, I’m on local anesthesia..… why don’t you try again.

3. At a funeral: One of the teary-eyed people ask…

Stupid Question:-
Why, why him, of all people.

Why? Would it rather have been you?

4. At a restaurant: When you ask the waiter

Stupid Question:-
Is ! the “Butter Paneer Masala” dish good??

No, its terrible and made of adulterated cement. We occassionaly also spit in it.

5. At a family get-together: When some distant aunt meets you after years…

Stupid Question:-
Munna, Chickoo, you’ve become so big.

Well you haven’t particularly shrunk yourself.

6. When a friend announces her wedding: And you ask…

Stupid Question:-
Is the guy you’re marrying good?

No, he’s a miserable wife-beating , insensitive lout…. it’s just the money.

7. When you get woken up at midnight by a phone call

Stupid Question:-
Sorry. Were you sleeping?

No. I was doing research on whether the Zulu tribes in Africa marry or not. You thought I was sleeping…. You dumb witted moron.

8. When you see a friend/colleague with evidently shorter hair…
Stupid Question:-
Hey have you had a haircut?

No, its autumn and I’m shedding…. …

9. At the dentist when he’s sticking pointed objects in your mouth…

Stupid Question:-
Tell me if it hurts?

No it wont. It will just bleed.

10. You are smoking a cigarette and a cute woman asks…

Stupid Question:-
Oh, so you smoke.

Gosh, it’s a miracle …….it was a piece of chalk and now it’s in flames!!!


  1. This one was fun.
    I like the post on child abuse a lot. No one addresses that issue you are right, and there is a tendency to still shield the abuser/paedophile in our society which is pathetic. Keep up the good work Nilofer.

  2. @ Budh.aaah:- Thanks a lot for your encouraging words. Hope to see you around more often.

    @Pooba:- Thanks sooo much. Do keep coming back for more:-)

  3. haha, i dislike being asked the obvious a lot! like meeting someone at the cinema n they started asking "hey, watching movie?" how obvious can it get? :p

  4. Indeed there are lots of stupid questions...and I would suspect, some of those questioners might also give stupid response..The following incident is from my own experience:

    Waiter: How do you enjoy your steak today? (in a restaurant in Las Vegas, waiters there are usually very "professionally" courteous)

    Me: Not very good today, it is too tough and over-burned.

    Waiter: Thank you very much (And she [yes, she is a she] walked away with a broad smile.

    Me: ?????????

  5. haa haa...loved it...very nice :)

  6. @ River:- Thanks for stopping by:-)

    @Levian:- Lols... Thanks for visiting. Hope to see you a lot more...

    @Paul:- Hahaha... That's really quite funny... I can imagine the waiter's expression though... He would have felt so meek... Do keep visiting for more:-)

    @ Sanober :- Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you again.

  7. Thank you for our kind words and comment at my blog: To-forward or not-to-forward: http://forwardability.blogspot.com/.

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  8. thanks for sharing a comment on A Few Clowns Short - I would rather read these forwarded emails on a blog than have them fill up my inbox.

  9. :) It's really very funny & very true. Nice post!

  10. @ Mohamed Taher:- Thanks bro. Even you have a great blog out there. Do come back again.

    @ lisleman:- Yeah, I agree. Hope to see you again.

    @Tarang:- Thanks for stopping by. Do visit again.

  11. oh my god yes this is so true LOL

  12. Lols..Thanks For Sharing. I Enjoyed Reading These Jokes.

  13. I worked in a bookshop and was asked 'Do you sell Candles?' LOL! :O)

  14. LOL ... I loved them, and so true! :o)

  15. @Creativity:- Thanks for stopping by. Hope you do come again.

    @Madeleine:- Lols. There are times when I'm sleeping and my son will deliberately wake me up and ask "Were you sleeping?" :O

    @prince n princess mum:- Thanks for visiting. Hope to see you here a lot more.

    @Deborah:- Thanks a lot for your kind words. Hope you'd come again.

  16. LOL... These are very funny! I really enjoyed reading them. :-)

  17. Thanks for visiting Susannah. Do come again.

  18. But if it weren't for those stupid questions, you would have one less blog post. As Ron White said, "You can't fix stupid." The rest of us just get to laugh at their expense and come up with clever ways to answer such things. :)

  19. Yeah! I do agree... Do come back for more

  20. lol! this was amazing..you definitely made me laugh heartily:)

    p.s-thanks for visiting my blog,keep visiting,i will do the same:))

  21. @ Tarunima:- Thanks for your kind words. Do keep coming for more.

  22. very funny and well observed Nilofar :) ~ Lib

  23. @libithina:- Thanks a lot :-)

  24. #9 hurt my mouth, and #10 made me laugh out loud. :)
